Dobesedno v manj kot 30 sekundah…
(na zgornji povezavi je video kako ustvariti spletno stran)
To je hiter pregled, ki vas vodi skozi postopek ustvarjanja spletne strani na Wealthy Affiliate.
Potrebno mi je dobesedno 30 sekund, da ustvarim popolnoma funkcionalno spletno stran v WordPress-u!
Začetni člani = 2 brezplačni spletni strani (v domeni
Premijum člani = 50 spletnih mest (25 brezplačnih spletnih mest in 25 na domenah lastnih domenah)
Upam, da boste uživali v tem videu. Enostavno oblikovanje spletnega mesta, da ne omenjam, da so vse spletne strani, ki gostujejo pri Wealthy Affiliate na najbolj varni, zanesljivi in močni upravljani platformi za gostovanje WordPress na svetu.
Za večjo perspektivo kakovosti »najsodobnejše« gostiteljske platforme, ki jo dobite tukaj pri WA, se prijavite tukaj:
Good exposition about wealthy affiliate. This is a home to many online entrepreneurs where all your dreams and aspirations can become fulfilled. The training and the live support are world class. The website you will be trained how to open and how to design it. You need this website to promote all the products you will later like to sell. There are enormous means of making active and passive income here. The person that referred me to WA is a full time blogger and he is making a lot of money monthly here. Simply put WA is the best thing… Preberi več »
I totally agree with you, I have not seen such a good online platform yet, hosting, websites, support, training, domains and much more – phenomenally!
Wealthy Affiliate ¨kick ass¨.